Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Want To Be Reviewed By The Best?

If you want a real answer to why you are great, or why you suck, let me review your music.
I might tell you to quit playing, and save the world from the misery of your buttmusic. I might shame the whole world for not recognizing your talents. Maybe my review will just say that you're right where you should be.......in the suburbs playing for a room full of mullets.

IF you have the balls, email me a link where I can DOWNLOAD your music. I'm not going to sit in front of the computer, and listen to it. You can email me 3 of your songs directly also. I just want to be able to put it on my iPod, and listen to it. Don't email more than 3 songs. I'll get the idea of what you're like before then, and it won't fill up my box. There will be other people who want to get reviewed too.


Among the cretins........................

So, to join the millions of idiots who think their opinions actually matter, here I am. There will be reviews of bands CD's, and live shows. In addition there will be my personal rants, and reviews of random things.....Which will be my rants in the form of a review. I will be brutally honest. If you don't like it, then don't read it, Sally. If you disagree, then you're probably wrong. I won't steer you wrong. It's not my fault if you have bad taste.